Kosmetik mit Lichtschutzfaktor allein reicht nicht aus

Cosmetics with sun protection factor alone are not enough

Many foundations or make-up items now have a sun protection factor integrated into the product. This is basically a good thing. However, anyone who thinks that this means they can go out into the sun without hesitation will unfortunately have to be disappointed.

Especially in summer, when the sun's rays hit us with full force, we would have to apply a centimeter-thick layer of make-up in order to protect ourselves with the sun protection factor it contains. Not only would that look pretty strange, but it would also be pretty expensive.

Some women mix their sunscreen with their makeup and then apply this mixture to their skin. In principle this is possible. However, it is difficult to achieve the correct mixing ratio for the desired sun protection factor, as the concentration could be diluted by the different substances. What does a mixture of a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 50 and a foundation with a sun protection factor of 30 produce? Exactly: no idea.

Furthermore, it is not known how sun protection and make-up react with each other and whether their full effect can be achieved by mixing them.

For this reason, it makes most sense to apply sunscreen to the face before makeup.

Please note that you must first let the sunscreen absorb well before applying your make-up. You should give your skin at least 15 minutes so that it can fully absorb the active ingredients of your sun protection.

Be sure to use a sun protection factor that is suitable for your skin. As a reminder: The sun protection factor gives you an indicator of how long you can stay in the sun without getting sunburned. For example, if you can easily lie in the sun for ten minutes without getting sunburned, you can do so for around 30 times as long with a sun protection factor of 30  - so around 5 hours. However, this is only a rough rule of thumb. Losses of sun protection due to sweat or time in water are not taken into account. Therefore, it is better to apply cream too often than too little.  If you spend more time in the sun during the day, you should refresh and reapply your sunscreen at least every two hours. Applying sunscreen over makeup alone is not sufficient protection. Tip: Always make sure you have something to remove make-up with that you can use to quickly remove make-up and reapply sunscreen and foundation. Not only is it safer, it also looks better.

You should also make sure to change your cosmetic products after a summer season if you regularly take them to the beach. If cosmetic products are repeatedly exposed to high heat, this affects the shelf life of the products.

Finally, some good news: In contrast to foundations, lipsticks with sun protection factor do not require additional sun protection. They adequately protect the lips from UV rays.

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