
Deine Haut, Dein Typ: Mischhaut
Atina Cosmetics

Your skin, your type: combination skin

Each of us is unique. So does our skin. Depending on the skin type, the skin has different care needs. Because what works wonderfully for one person can have exactly...

Atina Cosmetics

Your skin, your type: combination skin

Each of us is unique. So does our skin. Depending on the skin type, the skin has different care needs. Because what works wonderfully for one person can have exactly...

Der Unterschied zwischen einer Tages- und Nachtcreme
Atina Cosmetics

The difference between a day and night cream

A cream for the day, a cream for the night - why not use a single product for everything, that would be much more practical. True, but that would be...

Atina Cosmetics

The difference between a day and night cream

A cream for the day, a cream for the night - why not use a single product for everything, that would be much more practical. True, but that would be...

Deine Haut, Dein Typ: Trockene Haut
Atina Cosmetics

Your skin, your type: Dry skin

Each of us is unique. This also applies to our skin. Depending on what skin type we have, our skin has different care needs. If you know your skin and...

Atina Cosmetics

Your skin, your type: Dry skin

Each of us is unique. This also applies to our skin. Depending on what skin type we have, our skin has different care needs. If you know your skin and...

Geschmeidige Hände im Winter
Atina Cosmetics

Supple hands in winter

Cool temperatures, harsh weather, sweaty gloves, dry heated air – our hands take a beating in the colder season. In this article we will tell you how they remain soft...

Atina Cosmetics

Supple hands in winter

Cool temperatures, harsh weather, sweaty gloves, dry heated air – our hands take a beating in the colder season. In this article we will tell you how they remain soft...

Warum die Sonnenbank schlecht für unsere Haut ist
Atina Cosmetics

Why tanning beds are bad for our skin

Admittedly, it sounds pretty tempting to let the sun shine on your stomach at the push of a button. And in fact, the temptation to be tanned all year round...

Atina Cosmetics

Why tanning beds are bad for our skin

Admittedly, it sounds pretty tempting to let the sun shine on your stomach at the push of a button. And in fact, the temptation to be tanned all year round...

Hautpflege im Winter
Atina Cosmetics

Winter skin care

You've probably heard that our skin needs different care in winter than in the rest of the year. That sounds basically logical, after all we don't walk around in flip...

Atina Cosmetics

Winter skin care

You've probably heard that our skin needs different care in winter than in the rest of the year. That sounds basically logical, after all we don't walk around in flip...